вторник, 2 февраля 2016 г.


“Live Forever”

Maybe I don’t really wanna know

How your garden grows

‘Cause I just wanna fly

Lately did you ever feel the pain

In the morning rain

As it soaks you to the bone

Maybe I just wanna fly

Want to live I don’t wanna die

Maybe I just wanna breath

Maybe I just don’t believe

Maybe you’re the same as me

We see things they’ll never see

You and I are gonna live forever

I said, maybe I don’t really wanna know

How your garden grows

‘Cause I just wanna fly

Lately did you ever feel the pain

In the morning rain

As it soaks you to the bone

Maybe I will never be

All the things that I wanna be

Now is not the time to cry

Now’s the time to find out why

I think you’re the same as me

We see things they’ll never see

You and I are gonna live forever

Maybe I don’t really wanna know

How your garden grows

‘Cause I just wanna fly

Lately did you ever feel the pain

In the morning rain

As it soaks you to the bone

Maybe I just wanna fly

Want to live I don’t wanna die

Maybe I just wanna breath

Maybe I just don’t believe

Maybe you’re the same as me

We see things they’ll never see

You and I are gonna live forever

Gonna live forever [5x]

Տնային առաջադրանք1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  • If I listen to classical music, I can write good poems.
  • Lisa must look after her baby brother if her father goes jogging.
  • If you take the train, you should arrive in Sheffield before 8 pm.
  • The girls should hurry if they haven't booked the tickets yet.
  • If Phil does that, Sophia will scream.
  • If they aren't careful with the spelling of the new words, they won't get a good mark.
  • You get orange if you add yellow to red.
  • I can lend Emily my car if she needs it.
  • If she finds my dictionary, she must give it back to me.
  • John might buy a new monitor if his mother gives him 100 Euros.

  • If we send an invitation, our friends will come to our party.
  • He will not understand you if you whisper .
  • They will not survive in the desert if they do not take extra water with them.
  • If you press CTRL + s, you will save the file.
  • You will cross the Channel if you fly from Paris to London.
  • Fred will answer the phone if his wife has a bath.
  • If Claire wears this dress at the party, our guests will not stay any longer.
  • If I touch this snake, my girlfriend will not scream .
  • She will forget to pick you up if you do not phone her.
  • I will remember you if you give me a photo.

  • If you dive into this river, you will hurt yourself.
  • If the sun shines , the children will play outside.
  • Richard will walk to school if he misses the bus.
  • Emily will buy the cola if you pack the picnic basket.
  • If I am in Venice, I will rent a boat.
  • Michael's teacher will phone his parents if he texts in the lesson.
  • If she answers this question correctly, she will get an extra point.
  • My sister will be angry if I turn on the music too loud.
  • Your room will look much tidier if you keep your hamster in the cage.
  • If we surf the Internet, we will find a lot of information about Loch Ness.

If it rains , the children will not go for a walk.
If she does not read the novel, she will not pass the literature test.
If I do not argue with my father, he will lend me his motorbike.
If we take the bus, we will not arrive in time.
If Dick does not buy the book, his friends will be angry with him.
If Tom does not tidy up his room, Victoria will not help him with the muffins.
If the boys do not play football, the girls will not come to the football pitch.
If you eat too much junk food, you will not lose weight.
If I do not make breakfast tomorrow morning, my girlfriend will not love me anymore.
If they do not hurry , they will not catch the train.

If I study , I will pass the exams.
If the sun shines , we will walk to the town.
If he has a temperature, he will see the doctor.
If my friends come , I will be very happy.
If she earns a lot of money, she will fly to New York.
If we travel to London, we will visit the museums.
If you wear sandals in the mountains, you will slip on the rocks.
If Rita forgets her homework, the teacher will give her a low mark.
If they go to the disco, they will listen to loud music.
If you wait a minute, I will ask my parents.

Տնային առաջադրանք-Make your predictions for the 2016. Explain your predictions.

In 2016, I think. nothing will happen because of this change has been for years, if not then, not ever! Also I think 2016 will be the a more secure Armenia, Turkey and Azerbaijan because there are serious problems between Russia and entertainers.

1. Last summer I spent a nice afternoon with a friend; we went (go) to the cinema, did some shopping and talked a lot.

2. I met my friend Jenny at university and we remained have remained (remain) friends ever since.

3. It is late ! 11.00 pm !! By the way darling, I bought (buy) a new dress this morning.

4. Uncle Jimmy came (come) to stay with us last month; it was very nice.

5. Look at that man! He can't stand up because he drank has drunk (drink) too much champagne.

6. I have studied (study) Philosophy for a few years and I think it is a real advantage in life. I'm still learning Philosophy.

7. That poor old man worked (work) hard all his life (from 1953 to 1999). He feels miserable because he has no money left.

8. I have travelled a lot, but I have never been (never/be) to the USA.

9. He has worked hard for 3 years and he is proud because he passed has passed (pass) his exam.

  • I have been running this website since 1999.

  • My parents have been smoking for years.

  • He has been waiting for his girlfriend since 6 o'clock.

  • We have been living in Greece since last August.

  • Max and Paul have been riding their bikes all day.

  • They have been ling in the sun for hours. CLUEUse have (because of they) + been + infinitive + -ing

  • short/contracted form: they've been lying

  • Correct is: They have been lying in the sun for hours.

  • Emily has been working on the computer for too long.

  • It has been raining since I came home.

  • You have been listening to music since 12:30.

  • Frank has been dreaming for the last 20 minutes.

1. I have been writing (write) for hours and so my hands are aching.

2. She has been pestering (pester) her husband for a diamond necklace and the poor man is getting sick of her.

3. They have been playing (play) for hours and now are simply exhausted.

4. He has been running (run) hither and thither ever since he knew that he had been dismissed from his job.

5. This man has been complaining (complain) about the injustice meted out to him but it has been of little use.

6. We have been protesting (protest) about it for years but no leader has done anything about it.

7. They have been ridiculing (ridicule) him for no rhyme or reason at all. No wonder he avoids their company.

8. I have been terrifying (terrify) the little fellow with all sorts of spooky tales.

9. He has been serving (serve) me loyally since I was a child.

10. He has been striving (strive) diligently to achieve his goal for years now.

1. She looks very depressed, she has been reading (to read) a sad story.

2. They have been smoking (to smoke) for a long time.

3. His eyes are red! He has been cring has been crying (cry) too long,

4. She has been working (to work) as a model for two years.

5. She has been waiting (to wait) for an hour.

6. How long have you been learning (you/ to learn) English?

7. have you been painting (you /to paint)? You have a stain on your jacket.

8. I have been playing (to play) for 10 minutes.

9. I am tired, I have been walking (to walk) since the daybreak.

1. The farmer has been planting (plant) trees for two months now.

2. She has been sleeping (sleep) since this morning.

3. He has been teaching (teach) for seven years now.

4. She has been swiming has been swimming (swim) for hours now.

5. They have been hoping (hope) for his returning since last week.

6. I have been waiting (wait) for twenty minutes.

7. They have been going out (go out) together since last June.

8. We have been doing (do) some exercises.

9. I have been waiting (wait) for ages.

10. Robert has been learning (learn) English for eight years.



3.diden`t you told
4.haven`t sent
5.Did she have
6.did you go


5.not haved

2.werent  ate
3.went i got
4.arrivend hadit saided
5.diden`t start
6.hed din seen hod seen

Տնային առաջադրանք-What is a real friendship for you?

Friendship is very important to me in a special role in my life .It is said that it is based on sincerity and the love of wealth on the basis of semi-precious stone

Տնային առաջադրանք-Describe your friends, using the words from the vocabulary bank

I have different types of friends, I have a simple example of a friend who knows what it means to be a friend and every time you hit back, and that every time I have a caring friend will help.

Տնային առաջադրանքRead the lyrics and then listen to the song.

I have read and heard a lot of interesting songs.

Տնային առաջադրանք-Write five sentences with “say” and five sentences with “tell”

You will not tell him?
Please, tell me.
Never tell a lie.
Boys, what did I tell you?
Tell me they're going to be back.
Why didn't you say something?
No, but she did say he visited you.
Did he say what he wanted?
How can you say that?
You couldn't even say I love you.
When I say 'Go!'

Տնային առաջադրանք-What social websites are you registered on? For what do you use these websites? Can you do without them?

But I have fb, ok, vk worked and I worked and I communicate with my friends and family on social networks without this I can stand just a short time and only seem to be able to communicate with our friends and family. Also the social networks people If they can learn what to ask and we can make this site know that what has happened in our neighboring countries are very good and that is all that can be viewed through the Internet.

Տնային առաջադրանք-Can you imagine your life without modern means of communication? Learn all new words and use them in sentences.

No, I can not imagine life without my thing happening in modern vehicles because it would be impossible to live without a computer without a television, telephone seem so life is very slow.

Տնային առաջադրանք-What do you think about online dating? Have you ever met somebody online?

I have met people through Internet, I tried but I never met in real life because I was not sure exactly who is behind these reports and correspondence, I would suggest you do the same with everyone because he is a boy or a girl.

Դասարանական  աշխատանք

Your score is 88%.
Change the verb into the correct form:
1. I will help (help) you with your homework.
2. She will be (be) here very soon.
3. They will come (come) at 8 o'clock.
4. You will call (call) me next week.
5. I will use (use) the money wisely.
6. We will return (return) as soon as possible.
7. It will rain (rain) tomorrow.
9. Ralf will pay (pay) for it.
10. Amanda will win (win) this game.
11. Maybe we will stay (stay) at home.
12. They will bake (bake) some cakes.
13. I will take (take) you with me next month.
14. Ashley will stay (stay) at home tonight.
15. It will be (be) very hot this summer.
Your score is 99%.
Change the verb into the correct form:
1. We will do (do) this together.
2. Next year will be (be) very exciting.
3. People will invent (invent) new things.
4. I will be (be) in Rome next week.
5. John will be (be) very pleased.
6. Wait, I will do (do) this.
7. We will catch (catch) him.
8. They will probably finish (probably finish) tomorrow.
9. You will find (find) your bag.
10. Bonnie will like (like) you.
11. It will be (be) sunny tomorrow.
12. The winter will be (be) especially cold.
13. The next game will be (be) hard to win.
14. I will speak (speak) with him about you.
15. You will send (send) Kate the pictures.

Morse code
Chart of the Morse code letters and numerals.
Morse code is a method of transmitting text information as a series of on-off tones, lights, or clicks that can be directly understood by a skilled listener or observer without special equipment. The International Morse Code[1] encodes the ISO basic Latin alphabet, some extra Latin letters, the Arabic numerals and a small set of punctuation and procedural signals as standardized sequences of short and long signals called "dots" and "dashes",[1] or "dits" and "dahs", as in amateur radiopractice. Because many non-English natural languages use more than the 26 Roman letters, extensions to the Morse alphabet exist for those languages.
Each character (letter or numeral) is represented by a unique sequence of dots and dashes. The duration of a dash is three times the duration of a dot. Each dot or dash is followed by a short silence, equal to the dot duration. The letters of a word are separated by a space equal to three dots (one dash), and the words are separated by a space equal to seven dots. The dot duration is the basic unit of time measurement in code transmission.[1] To increase the speed of the communication, the code was designed so that the length of each character in Morse varies approximately inversely to its frequency of occurrence in English. Thus the most common letter in English, the letter "E", has the shortest code, a single dot.
Morse code is used by some amateur radio operators, although knowledge of and proficiency with it is no longer required for licensing in most countries. Pilots and air traffic controllers usually need only a cursory understanding. Aeronauticalnavigational aids, such as VORs and NDBs, constantly identify in Morse code. Compared to voice, Morse code is less sensitive to poor signal conditions, yet still comprehensible to humans without a decoding device. Morse is therefore a useful alternative to synthesized speech for sending automated data to skilled listeners on voice channels. Many amateur radio repeaters, for example, identify with Morse, even though they are used for voice communications.

SOS, the standard emergency signal, is aMorse code prosign.
In an emergency, Morse code can be sent by improvised methods that can be easily "keyed" on and off, making it one of the simplest and most versatile methods of telecommunication. The most common distress signal is SOS or three dots, three dashes and three dots, internationally recognized by treaty.

I think that it is not right because, some people don’t like that some photos him.

ex2.used to work, is working:is, used to sell: are,used to go: not, used to be; used to read, tinks: used to go,go; used to smoke,go;

ex5.equipment, journaler,  canceled, reservation, improvement, reception, manager,  manager, entertainment.

Տնային առաջադրանք-Write a short situation in which you use “used to, mustn’t and don’t have to”

used to

I used to go to the beach every day.
I used to start work at 9 o'clock.
Jerry used to study English.
I used to live in Paris.
You used to play the piano.
I used to smoke.
I used to drink green tea.

I mustn't eat so much sugar.
You mustn't watch so much television.
Policemen must not drink on duty .
I mustn't forget Tara's birthday.
I mustn't stop the car.
You mustn't stop the car

don’t have to

We don't have to go shopping.

The friends don't have to get up early
I don't have to play the guitar.
Frank and Joel don't have to draw a picture.
You don't have to hurry.
You don't have to talk so loud.

Տնային առաջադրանք-Describe your future Yerevan, using as much  adjectives in comparative and superlative degree as you can.
Yerevan the future, so I think I, of all places, trees, gardens .Avto aerial vehicles. All the houses colored buildings in different colors, paintings very different and very interesting for tourists.